OQ wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 3, 2010 at 3:01 PM, Clayton <ccorn...@openoffice.org> wrote:
>> I'm busy tidying up spam on the OOoWiki on a fairly regular basis.  The
>> OOoWiki uses several tools to block/stop spammers (BadBehavior, the spam
>> RegEx etc.)... it's working most of the time, but the spammers still get
>> in and vandalize pages several times per week.  I've been poking around
>> and discovered that a lot of the spammers (who create an account just to
>> post a URL link) are using Mailinator dot com to create a one-time-use
>> throwaway email address to receive the Wiki user authentication email.
>> Is there any practical way of blocking new users from using specific
>> services like Mailinator?  Is there a better way of dealing with
>> situations like this?
>> C.
> http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Hooks/AbortNewAccount
> might work, dont know exactly what the docu means by 'incomplete'
> pesudocodey:
> $wgHooks['AbortNewAccount'][] = 'fnMyHook';
> function fnMyHook( $user, $message ) {
>   if( $user->getEmail() =~ /mailinator/ ) {
>     $message = 'mailinator iz verbotten';
>     return false;
>   }
> }

That's a bit perlish ;)
Try this instead, Clayton:

$wgHooks['AbortNewAccount'][] = 'noMailinator';

function noMailinator( $user, &$message ) {
   if( !preg_match( '/@(mailinator|binkmail).com$/', $user->getEmail() ) {
     $message = 'No mailinator emails, please';
     return false;
   return true;

Another option would be the isValidEmailAddr hook.

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