On Fri, 2011-10-28 at 10:52 -0400, Olivier Beaton wrote: 
> Lots of confusion here, let me try to clear it up:
> http://www.domain1.com/wiki/     serves /var/www/html/w   and the wiki
> mysql db with no prefix
> http://www.domain2.com/wiki/     serves /var/www/html/w   and the wiki
> mysql db with no prefix
> They are both the exact same wiki, with the exact same articles,
> users, database, tables, data, and the exact same php files.
> If I have this right, all Isabell wants is have two domain names serve
> the same wiki.  Isabell does not want to use a redirect, if someone
> goes to domain2, all their urls should stay domain2.  ditto for
> domain1.
> - Olivier
assuming Oliver is correct in his well laid out diagram: This issus is
not specific to Mediawiki, but rather a problem to be solved by setting
up the correct virtual hosting system "If you host your own website on
your own equipment or have 'shell' access to your shared host". If as
indicated your being hosted on a shared hosting service then the admins
of the shared hosting service will need to set up a second virtual host
account with the domain name of the second required domain and point it
to the same web location as the primary domain. If you are not able to
do either of these, there is a third alternative: us a service (example;
http://freedns.afraid.org  or
http://www.dyndns.com  ) to do simple web forwarding with a cloaked
domain name. I do that myself on several sites that I manage.
then when someone types in the domain2 name they see domain1 name in
their browser location bar.
Good Luck!

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