It should be noted that the MediaWiki docs recommend doing the following
for an upgrade (after your backups):

tar xvzf mediawiki-1.18.0.tar.gz -C /path/to/your/wiki/ --strip-components=1

If this is out of date or will cause problems for 1.18, it should
definitely be changed to reflect that. The users posting about profiler
errors followed our instructions.

On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 1:25 PM, Jeffrey T. Darlington

> Hash: SHA1
> On 11/29/2011 12:31 PM, Daniel Friesen wrote:
> > Sounds like you upgraded MediaWiki by extracting 1.18 on top of 1.17
> > instead of extracting 1.18 to a new directory then moving the config and
> > other stuff to the new directory. And have an old StartProfiler.php.
> I can't speak for Gordon, but that is indeed what I did:  I extracted
> the 1.18 tarball on top of the existing 1.17 directory.  This has
> usually worked well enough for me in the past, so I tried to repeat what
> worked before.
> Unfortunately, I'm still having terrible luck.  I extracted 1.18 into a
> clean directory, copied over LocalSettings.php and my images folder (I
> have no extensions installed so I skipped that), and recreated my
> customized MonoBook skin.  (For the skin, I copied the core MonoBook
> class file and made my tweaks to insert ads, AddThis, etc.  For the
> monobook resource folder, I use symbolic links to all the files except
> the main.css, which I copied over and made one tweak to the background
> image.)  However, my wiki is still white-screening with the following
> errors in the Apache log:
> [Tue Nov 29 13:09:09 2011] [error] [client {my-ip}] "" is not a valid
> magic word for "canonicalurl", referer:
> {domain-name}/wiki/Special:SpecialPages
> [Tue Nov 29 13:09:09 2011] [error] [client {my-ip}] "" is not a valid
> magic word for "canonicalurle", referer:
> {domain-name}/wiki/Special:SpecialPages
> [Tue Nov 29 13:09:09 2011] [error] [client {my-ip}] PHP Fatal error:
> Call to a member function getGroup() on a non-object in
> {path-to-wiki}/includes/OutputPage.php on line 2958, referer:
> {domain-name}/wiki/Special:SpecialPages
> [Tue Nov 29 13:10:07 2011] [error] [client {my-ip}] "" is not a valid
> magic word for "canonicalurl"
> [Tue Nov 29 13:10:07 2011] [error] [client {my-ip}] "" is not a valid
> magic word for "canonicalurle"
> [Tue Nov 29 13:10:07 2011] [error] [client {my-ip}] PHP Fatal error:
> Call to a member function getGroup() on a non-object in
> {path-to-wiki}/includes/OutputPage.php on line 2958
> I'm not sure if this is relevant, but I use the "short URLs" setup using
> Apache mod_rewrite.  The relative URL /wiki/Special:SpecialPages worked
> well enough under 1.17.1 and below.
> I have *NEVER* had this much trouble upgrading MediaWiki.  At this
> point, I'm probably going to throw in the towel.  I can get 1.17.1 to
> work fine, so I'm reverting back to that.  As much as I'd like to have
> the latest version installed, I can't afford this much down-time, or the
> time I've spent on this upgrade that I really need to be working on
> other projects.
> - --
> Jeff Darlington
> General Protection Fault
> Version: GnuPG v2.0.17 (MingW32)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
> iEYEARECAAYFAk7VI6oACgkQVNMIBILmfwEirQCggQinqu40zcyckpMEV/Xq82Yh
> GpUAoJkMxX3YG6SFJHyAw/m3h8ySIlTa
> =oNgA
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