Thanks Theirry

Good tutorial for newbies on how article titles are parsed by Mediawiki and basic URL encoding. I'm pretty well versed in all the mechanics of Rewriting, and URL encoding and the use of ?, &, Mediawiki, etc.

I am now convinced the problem I'm having seems to be with the host, their Apache and the Nginx / Varnish server conf file. I think their nginx.conf file is missing some directives. I am passing the title as 'How_Are_You%3F_I_hope_OK', but for some reason, Nginx is rewriting/passing %3F as a ? which is causing the issue. It should be writing/passing the URL exactly as %3F, but it is and it isn't. In the browser address bar it shows %3F, but it must be passing it as a ? to Mediawiki's parser. Using web-sniffer, I can verify with every HTTP request, the %3F is being passed in, but not back out.

I know nothing about Nginx and at this time have no desire to learn about it. All experiences with it have been negative with nothing but problems. On a positive note, I noticed the HTTP headers were finally corrected by the host! Only took a year and a half to stop doubling the Content-Length in the header which was crashing my bot. I feel like this host is trying to squeeze everything it can out of this shared server... but it is slow and laggy, it's embarrassing.

I'll go back to beating my drum (going on 2 years) with this .org, New Host, immediately if not sooner.

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