On Wed, 19 Jun 2013 07:06:10 -0700, Stephan Gambke <s7ep...@gmail.com> wrote:


I am struggling with Lua.

Is there a way to somehow maintain the state of the page building
between calls to #invoke? A kind of page-wide variable mechanism or
something like that?

Problem: I have what is basically a bugtracker where each bug is
described on a wiki page. For each state change of the bug (new,
confirmed, fixed, verified, closed) I add a call to a template to the
page text. The problem is, that the text generated by the template
depends on both the origin and the target state. Until now I used the
variables extension to keep track of the current state. Now I want to
convert to Lua. Apart from the fact that it is clearly not desirable
to mix the use of the variables extension and Lua, it is also
impossible: When Scribunto's #invoke is called, parser functions are
already parsed.

So, what is the solution?


I'm pretty sure that Scribundo is specifically designed to make #invoke calls isolated from other calls. Short of trying to find and exploit bugs that are unpredictable and will eventually be patched there is no way you're going to get state between calls.

~Daniel Friesen (Dantman, Nadir-Seen-Fire) [http://danielfriesen.name/]

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