Hi, we have a fairly large MediaWiki install and I've been porting it to run on 
Heroku. Part of this has been upgrading from 1.13 to 1.20 and moving images 
from the on-disk /images directory to S3 (the move to use S3 is required 
because Heroku doesn't support a filesystem). 

We are using LocalS3Repo extension (modified). Running on Heroku…

When I upload a file it only puts the file on S3. It does not put the file in a 
/thumb/ directory. This seems to be a fact of life right now. But the WIKI will 
generate URLs for images as-if the thumbnail image was also uploaded...

For example: if I upload a file called "test_upload1.jpg" I see this file on S3:


Which works with this Wiki Markup:


But if I use the following Wiki Markup:


the URL for that IMG tag is :


This wont work with my system because the thumbnail isn't generated.

How do I make the Wiki just always use the SAME URL: 


no matter what size is specified in the File: wiki markup? (I know the IMG 
tag's <width> and <height> will resizes it anyway). I know its performance hit.

Please note: I dont care that this is wrong, the LocalS3Repo extension is 
horrible and I dont want to spend any more time combing through 1000s of lines 
of code to fix this, I just want images to work.

And also please note: On Heroku the file upload process seems to NOT be able to 
upload the thumb file (like cause were running multiple dynos/servers and the 
request for generating the thumbnail ends up on a machine that does not have 
the image file Or maybe some other reason. Either way, thumbnail generation is 
not going to work?? on a multiple-server setup.

Any pointers appreciated. But a pointer tot he code that decides on the URL 
based on the File name would bne great.

Mike Papper
MediaWiki-l mailing list

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