It is hardcoded in SMW.

To remove all footer icons you could add the following to your

$wgHooks[ 'BeforePageDisplay' ][] = function( &$out, &$sk) {
   $GLOBALS[ 'wgFooterIcons' ] = array();

Should work with any skin.

On 20 November 2014 19:26, chris tharp <> wrote:
> Hi
> This maybe the wrong place to ask this, but does anyone know how to remove
> the link that says "Powered by" in the case of Semantic Mediawiki?
> I've found the code to remove the Mediawiki Powered by link and the system
> messages to remove the bottom links, but I can't seem to find it for
> Semantic Mediawiki. There's a discussion page on this, but the info is not
> correct.
> All the best
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