Hey all,

This is a reminder that AjaxDispatcher and the Sajax js library have been 
deprecated for a while now (many years). They are still around due to them 
having been exempted from our deprecation policy – this because these features 
(as well as their deprecation) predate the existence of this policy and are 
part of our legacy stack.

I'd like to propose their removal in MediaWiki 1.26.0. This is expected to 
release in November 2015 [1] for third-parties. For Wikimedia sites we'd drop 
it in June 2015 halfway our 1.26wmf branch cycle. Well after 1.25wmf22 [2], and 
shortly after the Lyon Hackathon. [4]

Note that the Sajax js library has been decorated with deprecation notices, and 
re-deprecated with release notes since MediaWiki 1.22.0 (December 2013).

Sajax usage has almost been eliminated. Migration should be trivial using 
jQuery. [3][4]

AjaxDispatcher is typically migrated to an API module. [5]

A few projects known to make use of Sajax:
* SecurePoll
* ReaderFeedback
* BlogPage

(Only SecurePoll is deployed at Wikimedia.)

A few projects known to make use of AjaxDispatcher:
* CategoryTree
* Collection
* FlaggedRevs
* SecurePoll
* SemanticticForms

(All of which are deployed at Wikimedia.)

Tracker bugs:

— Krinkle

Related thread: [Wikitech-l] Call to eliminate sajax, Daniel Friesen, October 

Related trigger words: AjaxResponse, wgAjaxExportList, sajax_init_object, 
wfSupportsAjax, sajax_do_call

[1] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Version_lifecycle
[2] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki_1.25/Roadmap
[3] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/ResourceLoader/Legacy_JavaScript#ajax.js
[4] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Hackathon_2015
[5] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Ajax
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