On Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 2:11 PM, Dustin Phillips <dus...@icannwiki.com>

> My wiki is lacking the functionality to recover a username or password
> using an email address. The installed version is 1.24.2.
> I have noticed that v 1.26.2 has this functionality by default.
> How can I enable this recovery function on v 1.24.2?

This is also a feature in 1.24.2 But it can be tricky to get working "out
of the box".

There is the $wgEnableEmail setting which must be turned on (

If that's already on, it's probably the hosting environment preventing
email.  If you have shell access, can you send email?  Try the following

echo test | mail -s "test mail from command-line" y...@example.com

If that goes through, there are some specific things you might try like
turning on the mail log to debug MediaWiki.

I've written up some additional tips at

Greg Rundlett
https://eQuality-Tech.com <https://equality-tech.com/>
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