Thanks for all the comments Bawolff and Daniel!

They have confirmed the suspicion I had: using the 'Widget' extension is a way to insert something into Mediawiki... but it puts a hole into the security framework-- especially if you are passing parameters to the Widget.

Broadly speaking, the Widgets seem to be an avenue to fulfill the needs of two different constituencies - (1) a constituency that wants to add things the WikiMedia Foundation (WMF) isn't going to develop 'cause it doesn't fit with their mission, and (2) a constituency to add things that the WMF hasn't prioritized but could be useful to the WMF.

OpenSeadragon I think fits with the later... and it begs the question: How to generate enthusiasm for getting OpenSeadragon securely integrated into MediaWiki?

At a functional level a deep zoom image (DZI) is an image... if implemented it might improve on the current paradigm of a small thumbnail-click for link to WikiCommons-click *again* for full resolution of image; in OpenSeadragon
(as implemented with the widget) it is zoom with roller, click for
fullscreen with OpenSeadragon.

Once again thanks,

Quoting "Dr. Michael Bonert" <>:

[Hide Quoted Text]

I was wondering about the security of Widgets  ( )  that get parameters
passed to them. Any thoughts?

Are the parameters passed through to the widget cleansed of html/scripts?
If it isn't -- is it possible to easily enforce typing/boundaries on
the parameters?

Generally, speaking, I am looking for a discussion around security & widgets.

A widget I created (below) takes three parameters (width, height,
filename) and feeds those to OpenSeadragon( / ). It works on a

OpenSeadragon was discussed in brain storming in 2015 -

My interest in this is virtual (microscopic) slides (e.g. ) which are often
several gigabytes of data each.


Widget code...

Create page: Widget:OpenSeadragon
<!-- Copyright (c) 2016 Michael Bonert -->
<!-- Released under GNU General Public Licence - Version 3; see -->
To insert this widget, use the following code:


<includeonly><!-- This inserts an OpenSeadragon image -->
<div id="openseadragon1" style="width:
<!--{$width|default:400|escape:'html'}-->px; height:
<script src="../../openseadragon/openseadragon.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    var viewer = OpenSeadragon({
        id: "openseadragon1",
        prefixUrl: "../../openseadragon/images/",
        tileSources: "../../vslide/<!--{$image|escape:'urlpathinfo'}-->"
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 Michael Bonert, BASc (Mech Eng), MASc (Biomed Eng), MD, FRCPC
 Board Member and Founder

 Libre Pathology Limited
 Newfoundland and Labrador

 Mobile: 289 776-8722


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