Hi everyone,

I'm happy to announce that the 2nd edition of my MediaWiki reference book,
"Working with MediaWiki", has been released. This is the only MediaWiki
reference book published since 2010, as far as I know, so it's the de facto
authoritative reference for MediaWiki - other than the contents of

"Working with MediaWiki" was first released in 2012, and an updated version
was released in 2014, but this is the official 2nd edition.

Changes in this 2nd edition include:
- A new foreword by Daniel Robbins, founder of Gentoo Linux and Funtoo Linux
- Much of the content on Semantic MediaWiki was replaced by content on the
Cargo extension, which I think is now the better solution for data storage
- Lots of other updated content to handle the various changes to the
software in the last three years.

The biggest change, though, is that the book is now available for free
online. Given MediaWiki's presence in both the open source and "open
knowledge" worlds, I'm excited to have this book be similarly freely

It's also still available (at cost), though, in printed and e-book forms.
If this were six months from now, I would say that the book makes a great
holiday gift, but instead I'll say that it makes for great beach reading.

You can read more about "Working with MediaWiki" here:


And the entire book can now be viewed here:



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