Just a thought to consider...
UploadWizard was specifically designed for Wikimedia Foundation projects, so 
it’s a lot more difficult to customize for personal or private enterprise use 
than most extensions. My advice would be to simply modify the default 
Special:Upload page which can done with standard MW code, although I’m not sure 
exactly what that code would be.
You are, of course, welcome to pursue modification of UploadWizard, but just be 
aware that there is a slightly simpler alternative.
— Amanda

On Sunday, March 11, 2018, 7:27 PM, Emanuele D'Arrigo <man...@gmail.com> wrote:

Greetings everybody,

I am the administrator of a private mediawiki installation for my
neighborhood - about 170 inhabitants.

Apparently one of the limits to adoption of the wiki is the cumbersome file
upload process. I have installed Upload Wizard and customized the licensing
options available to have the bare minimum but the multi-step process is
still criticized. Just being forced by the UI to add a description to each
file is apparently is too much.

I therefore have to write our very own, supersimplified upload page.

I'll obviously have to learn how to write Extensions and then I'll be able
to have a look at the code of the Upload Wizard for inspiration. Are there
any additional source of information on this topic that you'd recommend?

Kind regards,

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