On Oct 2, 2010, at 8:38 AM, Sivan Greenberg wrote:

> On Sat, Oct 2, 2010 at 4:09 PM, Carsten Munk <cars...@maemo.org> wrote:
>> The idea of this is simple: to let someone know how to voice your
>> concerns, views and so on in the project - that's basic openness. When
>> we have this (supposedly simple approach) in place, we can point to
>> where decisions are made and how to engage in those discussions.
>> Currently there's very fragmented pieces information and a lot is
>> incomplete. And it doesn't look good when you look underneath the
>> water of the iceberg.
> From a community facilitation point of view,  I think we should have
> an apparent section or link to a special section on the meego.com
> website for encouraging people to get involved. As a reference [0]
> comes to mind. In all of the projects who are known for their strong
> openness this is really a more significant part of the main website
> and I feel it is lacking on meego.com.
> It surprised me a bit  there were not much input to be made or there
> was not enough interest for various reasons to respond to [1]. Sure
> there's [2] (pointed at by Dawn) but it merely describes the process
> in which to get patches accepted in, and does nothing to engage to
> stimulate involvement in my taste.
> Also in proportion to the hope and future we expect to see for MeeGo,
> this page is too brief and mostly addressing developers (patches,
> escalations, upstreams etc).

Actually, this is the page designed to help people get involved in MeeGo:

It was completely re-written with what you mentioned above in mind
several weeks ago. I just made a couple of additional tweaks to the 
page today based on some of the feedback in this thread. We should
probably highlight it on the home page or link to it with a getting 
involved button. Maybe Quim can incorporate this in his updates
for 1.1?

The other page (http://meego.com/about/contribution-guidelines) 
was created to make it easier for people to contribute code to MeeGo, 
since that is a little more complicated and every project has a slightly
different process. I probably need to give that page a new title and maybe
move it under the community section.


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