Community Manager (MNF, Meego Network Finland)
Organizer (TMN, Tampere Meego Network)
Phone: +358 40 823 5382
Email: jarkko.moila...@hermia.fi
Location: Tampere, Finland

More info: http://meegonetwork.fi
Discussions: irc.freenode.net#meego-fi
From: Randall Arnold [tex...@ovi.com]
Sent: 13 December 2010 21:43
To: Leeland, Amy L; Foster, Dawn M; Jarkko Moilanen; quim....@nokia.com
Cc: meego-community@meego.com
Subject: Re: [MeeGo-community] Regional MeeGo Networks - guidelines?

----- Original message -----
From: "Leeland, Amy L‎" <amy.l.leel...@intel.com>
To: "Foster, Dawn M‎" <dawn.m.fos...@intel.com>, "Jarkko Moilanen‎" 
<jarkko.moila...@hermia.fi>, "quim....@nokia.com‎" <quim....@nokia.com>
cc: "meego-commun...@meego.com‎" <meego-community@meego.com>
Subject: Re: [MeeGo-community] Regional MeeGo Networks - guidelines?
Date: Mon, 13 Dec 2010 11:28:58 -0800


Thank you for getting this started! This is something that we really need to 
put together- by this I mean guidelines for having a MeeGo Summit.

First I would like to propose that there are three types of communities 
activities and groups that we should define here:

·         MeeGo local networks should be local communities that are getting 
together for meet-ups.

·         MeeGo Summits should be national events that local communities can 
put together, and guidelines to have a Summit should be defined by our MeeGo 
conference committee along with community members input.

·         MeeGo Conferences will be our only international events that are put 
on by MeeGo project- which will happen twice a year May/November.

In regards to your email Jarrko we are currently trying to put together an 
advisory board (which will include folks from the Community, Linux foundation, 
Nokia and Intel) and it would make sense for you to be on it:). This will be 
focused on putting together clear guidelines for the MeeGo Summits, and 
possibly an approval process. This is so that we do not confuse people with all 
the different community things that we have going on☺.

Can I get back to you tomorrow on some specific suggestions to what I think we 
should do for next steps?

Amy Leeland

-----Original Message-----
From: meego-community-boun...@meego.com 
[mailto:meego-community-boun...@meego.com] On Behalf Of Foster, Dawn M
Sent: Monday, December 13, 2010 10:11 AM
To: Jarkko Moilanen
Cc: meego-community@meego.com
Subject: Re: [MeeGo-community] Regional MeeGo Networks - guidelines?

On Dec 11, 2010, at 3:38 PM, Jarkko Moilanen wrote:

> Hi,


> I've been working with the issues related to Regional MeeGo Summits for about 
> two months now; trying to define how those should be handled, monitored and 
> such. I've been writing my notes to wiki while advancing with the MeeGo 
> Summit FI, which will be held 15-16th Apr 2011 in Tampere. During this 
> process two Finnish Local MeeGo Networks joined forces (to organize the 
> summit) and formed MeeGo Network Finland (Regional MeeGo Network, RMN). I 
> know that RMNs have not been introduced in any communication or meetings in 
> MeeGo community. Anyway, it seemed as natural way to organize our Local MeeGo 
> Networks under some kind of umbrella. I have started to write sort of 
> guidelines howto organize & run RMNs and how Regional Summits are related to 
> it. The content for the guidelines is derived from existing efforts and 
> activities in Finland.


> The idea is to make use of and share our efforts and experiences. We have 
> dealt with a bunch of issues already and a lot will be confronted in the 
> future. Even though we like to be in the frontier (where no man has gone 
> before), we do not want others to face similar situations in the future if it 
> can be avoided.


> We are organizing the first Regional MeeGo Summit and we are beginning to 
> organize our activities in regional level to join efforts and forces between 
> local networks. This need to organize forces in regional level became obvious 
> to us, when the Summit planning really got started. We see that the Summit 
> should not be planned or organized only by one local MeeGo network, such as 
> Tampere or Helsinki. Instead the summit should be a joined community-driven 
> effort. So far two of three local networks, Helsinki and Tampere, form the 
> RMN. We wish that the third network, Oulu, would also join us in the future. 
> Also any other local networks in Finland are welcome.


> I have created a wiki page for RMNs 
> (http://wiki.meego.com/Regional_MeeGo_Networks) and the intention is to 
> gather RMN related information and guides under that page. One of the guides 
> is how to organize a Regional MeeGo Summit in your area. Currently the 
> guides/guidelines are rather limited for two reasons. Firstly, I have written 
> the notes based on our efforts and so far nothing else has not been needed. 
> Secondly, I have been writing this stuff alone. Although I have started to 
> hand out tasks to volunteers if they want to take them (asked one person at a 
> time if he/she would like to take care of some stuff/team). I assume that the 
> volunteers might write a line or two to the guideline documents in the 
> future. My assumptions might also be wrong.


> This Regional MeeGo Networks type of organizing of the otherwise dispersed 
> local MeeGo networks might become needed elsewhere too, not just in Finland. 
> I have kept in mind that the guidelines (and the actions behind it) should be 
> written so that the model could be replicated to other regions. Also this 
> kind of solution, if so wanted, might be one tool to narrow the gap between 
> local and global level interaction. Lots of things are missing and unknown, 
> but just wanted to ask opinions to this. Any thoughts? Is this worth the 
> effort?


Thank you for taking the time to document all of your experiences in setting up 
the local MeeGo networks. I really do think that it's worth the effort to get 
it documented now to make it easier for other local networks and regional 
summits to get started. At first glance, it looks good to me (I didn't have 
time to read all of it in detail), and I would be curious to see what others 
(Ibrahim, Quim, Amy, etc.) think about it.



MeeGo-community mailing list



<< 2.dat >>

Could Summits also be State, Province or Regional events?  For instance, Texas 
has as many people as Finland and covers a lot of area, including several major 


This has been the general idea. That's why it is called Regional (not 
national). For example US could hold Summits in different states. But then 
again I'm not so familiar with differences between Province and Region or best 
practices concerning huge countries like the US.  


Jarkko (from the most expensive forest in the world, which is also known as 

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