On 04/03/11, Andrew Flegg wrote:
> > My main point is that I hope you, or anyone, could include the
> > option or suggestion to upstream manufacurers that they could
> > also offer devel devices to anyone prepared to pay for one sooner
> > than waiting for retail devices. Next year won't matter because
> > there will be a ton of devices to chose from (I guess) but right
> > now it does matter.
> So, to be clear, are you asking for a discount programme or an
> ability to get retail(ish) quality hardware at retail(ish) prices?

More the former because whatever hardware will be given away as some
kind of devel encouragement program will have some combined support,
mostly unofficial, where a bunch of devs will have the same hardware
facing the same problems and probably communicating via a common
mail-list/forum. I'd like to be part of that stream of effort even
if I have to buy my way in.

> If the latter, the WeTab, the ExoPC[1] and the Lenovo IdeaPad S3-10t
> might be suitable? Probably teaching you to suck eggs, but still...

Certainly worth considering but isolated products lack the focus I
outlined above.

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