List, Dawn et al,

This thread is after speaking to Dawn about having some sort of wide
community event/brainstorming/feedback to get more insight towards how
community feels with how's the project is managing, quality of
communication, its deliverables and hopefully any other reservation or
feedback the community would care to share.

 Dawn: you said that this wish of mine to do this kind of thing
requires a framework and a method, I agree. So far I would like to
attempt the following:

0) We send community a link to my talk, to get their ideas rolling.
Since opinions ranged from being harsh to not being harsh enough I
risk saying it could be a good device to engage people to comment and
feedback. Not to mention the 'harsh' points were treater with great
humor. "He who spares the whip hates his son". This metaphoric saying
from Hebrew states that when you don't show your child where he's
wrong you deny him the wisdom of life and development.
1) I man a booth or stand throughout the conference where anybody can
come to me and provide his feedback or thoughts. I volunteer to do
2) We also have a suggestion box where people can submit feedback not
just about the conference but about the project at whole, if they
want, anonymously.
3) I am planning a software solution to empower this sort of thing
using ofcourse Qt and QML, but this won't be ready until I think the
next EUpian conference.

I tend to to think that a host with the people sitting and talking in
an informal manner together with (1) and (2) would suffice for now, is
this along the lines the framework you had in mind?

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