Hello Guys,

I'm a member of Fedora Project and I'm coordinating the Meego
translations to pt_BR since last month.

I have bad news for Meego community from Fedora Project.

Unfortunately Fedora will not support the Meego netbook remix(fedora
based meego distribution) as Fedora upstream project anymore.

I've tried to install Meego in Fedora since the last version(Fedora 14)
and in the new Fedora 15 Beta and it's not working anymore.

Since Fedora will adopt GNOME3 by default and the GNOME Shell uses
Mutter, there are a conflict between GNOME Mutter packages and Meego
mutter packages(mutter-mbl needs to be parallel-installable with mutter
but it's not possible by now).

The Fedora project isnt interested to fix that or to stay distributing
Fedora Meego Remix as a official internal project.

I've filed a but and reported the problems here
https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=613411 but it was closed

I don't know if you are informed about it and if someone from here will
be able to help/fix that issue.

But, I think that is important for Meego to be present in the official
linux distributions repositories.

It's a key issue to spread Meego around all linux users and recruit new

Best regards

Rodrigo Padula de Oliveira
Mozilla Contributor
Meego l10n Team - Pt_BR coordinator
GNOME Foundation Member
MeeGo-community mailing list

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