I'd like to join this thank you, and apologize that I could not be at my
peak due to some personal matters. Those of you who thought that the MeeGo
Recruit talk was not running since I was late 10 minutes , would be
surprised to know that I had made the slides in 20 minutes, and gave the
talk to the video crew, such that we will have an engaging video for
prospective community members.

Thanks to the program and sponsorship committee for having me here, letting
me take part in the software revolution the MeeGo project is!

See you all next time!


On Thu, May 26, 2011 at 2:48 AM, "Steven! Ragnarök" <
ste...@nuclearsandwich.com> wrote:

> I would just like to thank everyone who {attended,spoke at,sponsored}
> MeeGoConf for being there and making the conference fun, interesting, and
> informing. Particularly those who came from much father than the south San
> Francisco Bay Area as I did. I look forward to the local MeeGo meetups and
> to seeing all of you on here and the IRC.
> Many thanks,
> --
> Steven! Ragnarök
> ste...@nuclearsandwich.com
> http://blog.nuclearsandwich.com
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