Hi David,

David Greaves wrote:
> The MeeGo IT team looks after the infrastructure running MeeGo.com
> websites and services including the main site, wiki, conference, apps,
> news, Bugzilla, Community OBS, MXR, BOSS, ircbot, CAS, SDK, QA, Forums etc.
> We also manage DNS, LDAP, Nagios, backups and other internal services.

Does the architecture lend itself to per-service admins gaining granular
access rights? For example, I've maintained the Maemo wiki (after
proposing patches to fix problems) but didn't have access to Bugzilla or
any other services in the past, and I imagine that there are people who
could perhaps help become Drupal, Bugzilla or forum admins with shell
access to the server, but who would not get access to everything by the
same token.

Is this something that has been talked about?

One way to enable people to prove themselves before becoming an admin is
to store the sources of everything as-deployed in a repository, so that
people can replicate the environment at home, and propose patches in
Bugzilla for problems. For example, I'd really like to help identify &
fix the "search box gets aligned to bottom of page" bug I'm seeing in
the wiki, but I obviously don't have access to the mediawiki theme
that's being used so I have no way to fix it. Is this something that
could be done easily, while maintaining security around everything
confidential like database passwords?

Another way to empower people would be to publish regularly dumps of the
information stored in various applications to allow duplication and
enable people to do their own analytics - I know that this is tricky to
do with Bugzilla (although Mozilla have sanitisation scripts they use to
publish database dumps), but for other services, is publishing
daily/weekly dumps of data something that could be envisageable?


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