Yesterday’s raw meeting log:



[] On Behalf Of Timo Härkönen
Sent: Thursday, 06 October, 2011 9:24
To: Hillel Lubman
Subject: Re: [MeeGo-community] an open invitation to discuss a community based 

2011/10/5 Hillel Lubman <<>>
Will those meetings logs be available somewhere?

There are other logs but these were the first I found. Thanks cybette for 
sharing these.



On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 8:38 AM, Aaron J. Seigo 
<<>> wrote:
Hi all :)

Executive summary: you are all invited to a meeting on irc to discuss how we
can create a "meego-next" system with which we can deliver amazing user
experiences. We hope to host an open, collaborative and focussed set of
discussions on how we can define what that means and move forward together.

       Wednesday (the 5th) at 13:00 UTC and Thursday (the 6th) at 18:00 UTC

Where:<> in #mer

       Everyone interested in an open, thriving future for a compelling device 
that embodies that goals (and beyond) that MeeGo originally espoused. The
meeting hosting will be provided by the Plasma Active team.

Basic Agenda:
       * _Quick_ introductions
       * What a 'core OS' looks like to us in terms of key attributes (not 
to deep-dive into technical details here quite yet)
       * How we can enable great UX efforts
       * How to shape an engaging community structure around this

.. and now the longer description with a bit more detail:

The Plasma Active community has been working on innovative UX on top of MeeGo,
making things like this:

We were drawn to the concepts of openness that MeeGo was to embody along with
the choices in technology it was making. We feel the ideas are too good to let
die and we would like to be a meaningful part of the community effort to
realize those goals.

We would like to help build up and support the collaborative, open, community-
driven processes that are starting to emerge organically, and we feel that
begins with us engaging directly with the broader MeeGo community, enthusiast
and company alike, to find out together what are our common goals are and how
we can realistically work to achieve them.

Note that this is not a competing effort with Mer, etc .. in fact, we feel
that such efforts are very much in the spirit of what is needed and we wish to
work with and not in competition to such efforts.

We also feel that purposeful vision, clear goals, community growth and
interfaces for interested companies (including a definition of what that means
for us the community) are all needed and won't just happen on their own. This,
along with our UX community and expertise, is something the people within the
Plasma Active community feel we can bring to the broader community. These IRC
meetings are, for us, the beginning of this engagement ... I hope to see you
all there.

To openness .. and beyond! :)

.. and if you have any questions or comments before-hand, please share them
with us as we're keenly interested in feedback and discussion on these topics.

Also, apologies for the cross-posting; I was simply at a bit of a loss as to
how to most effectively reach out to the community at large. I hope in this
case that the end will indeed justify the means ...

Aaron J. Seigo
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