
The suitable times for the TSG meeting are the times suitable for those having 
to take part in there. Obvious?  :) The question is: who *must* attend the TSG 

Now we have 2 TSG members, no official working groups, no MeeGo roles 
officially apointed and a relatively large amount of individuals interested in 
whatever the TSG says in an IRC meeting. But this is only a transitional 

Think of the scenario (to start developing soon) where dozens of MeeGo roles 
have a person appointed, where several working groups have their regular work 
ongoing including periodical meetings, where 1-2 people of each working group 
is meant to attend the TSG meetings to take part in the topics related to their 
work, and where the TSG itself has more than 2 people.

Probably that day most people now interested in TSG meetings will not be that 
interested not to miss a single one. That day the agenda of an average TSG 
meeting can be perfectly a combination of formal decisions pushed by working 
groups, unsurprising appointments and other non-hot topics that can be 
perfectly followed through the instant meeting minutes published at meego.com.

Also most of the questions you would like to address now to the TSG will be 
better addressd to the specific working group or the specific channel where the 
maintainers and specialists can be found.

Quim Gil + N900
open source advocate
Maemo Devices @ Nokia
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