On 03/25/2010 12:18 PM, Robinson Tryon wrote:
 On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 2:21 AM, Mr. Todorov Todor
 <tushe.todo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Meego people, I would like to ask what is the community
> opinion about using open binder in Meego
> http://www.angryredplanet.com/~hackbod/openbinder/docs/html/index.html

The "OpenBinder" license for the project is listed here:

(oh boy, license proliferation...)

 As far as I can tell this license has not been reviewed by OSI, FSF,
 or debian-legal. At first glance I didn't see anything to indicate
 that the license wouldn't be deemed open/free, but I only glanced at

 If there's any interest in this software, one of the first things to
 do is to make sure that this license is a FOSS license.

The first step before really considering this kernel module is to have it accepted into Linus' git tree. The license is just one of the things that will get a lot of scrutiny from a public LKML review.


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