On Wednesday 05 May 2010, Randall Arnold wrote:
> Great news everyone!� The talk on�"Enhancing User Engagement on Mobile
> Devices"�has been accepted for�Akademy 2010!� To catch up anyone who may
> not be familiar with the goal, this is the effort to bring bug reporting,
> application rating, user karma and related feedback-oriented features to
> handheld Linux devices.� The Meego-specific project info is on the MeeGo
> wiki [1].� A living draft of the whitepaper itself can be found on Google
> Docs and is open to editing [2].
> For this many people deserve thanks and I hope I can count on them (you)
> to help with the final whitepaper and presentation.� Specifically, more
> is needed for or from the following:
> - Simulation.� It would be useful to have Qt-developed applications that
> simulate a device-based bug-reporting tool for the presentation (better
> yet, something functional!)
> - Project Silk.� This is the KDE project responsible for bringing web
> APIs to Linux devices.� No response yet from the project; I am concerned
> it may be defunct

no, it's alive and kicking even if progressing slowly (no, i'm not directly 
we have for instance a gsoc project about building a library and a set of  
"dataengines" (in the Plasma jargon) for the api of multimedia related sites, 
sich as flickr and youtube, that will be used by our media center

relevand places to discuss with the silk people are kde-s...@kde.org and #kde-
silk irc channel on freenode

> - Ovi.� I have reached out to Nokia to see where Ovi's strengths can be
> leveraged more, especially in the area of gaming achievements and
> ratings.� No response yet.
> - Details.� I am unfamiliar with many specifics needed to support this
> effort and could sure use help on fleshing out details!
> - Presentation.� I am really looking not just for help but for co-authors
> and co-presenter(s).� There's a chance that I will not be able to make it
> to Akademy 2010 (I will need sponsorship or for American Airlines to let
> me use air miles, which is doubtful right now) so it would be extremely
> helpful to have a co-presenter who could deliver the talk.

I hope you will be able to make it, all the MeeGo people will be more than 
welcome and we will be really happy to have a chat with them :)
there will also be many more talks related to mobile technology, so it's going 
to be really interesting.

Marco Martin
MeeGo-dev mailing list

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