On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 5:25 PM, David Greaves <da...@dgreaves.com> wrote:
> (resend - first post rejected as list is closed)
> (2nd resend - 2nd post seemed to go to /dev/null)
> A conversation earlier today got me the action to submit a request for
> the TSG:
> http://wiki.meego.com/Technical_Steering_Group_meetings#Backlog_of_Proposed_Topics
> The intention is simply to clarify that the wiki policy is authoritative
> and mandatory and formalise that we shouldn't change the packaging
> policy on a whim.

Seems to me that using a wiki to host a formally controlled policy
document doesn't make a lot of sense - seems like we aren't using the
right tools for the job.

I suspect that the packaging policy isn't the only place this might come up.

Should formal policies be hosted on the non-wiki part of the site,
with a few people able to make updates through the CMS?   The wiki
could have a page like "Packaging_Policy_Proposal" where proposed
changes are made - the discussion about the proposed changes can be
either in the ML, or in the 'talk' page on the wiki, and when things
are finalized, someone copies  the changes to the CMS?


Warren Baird - Photographer and Digital Artist
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