On Tue, 6 Jul 2010 17:06:57 -0600, Nicola Mfb <nicola....@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 6, 2010 at 9:13 PM, Carsten Munk <cars...@maemo.org> wrote:
> Hi Carsten!
> thanks to point all that periodically ;)
> [...]
> >"MeeGo software is developed and designed in a collaborative effort by
> >an open community of professionals and volunteers"
> >"The governance model is based on meritocracy and the best practices
> >and values of the Open Source culture."
> >"Yet MeeGo operations are expected and designed to be completely
> >transparent - R&D in the public internet! "
> It may by nice to clarify that definitively, just some examples:
> * parts of sdk not running on ati/nvidia boards is community driven?

The SDK uses interfaces that not all open source drivers expose. No one
is stopping people from fixing that (i.e., fix the ATI and NVIDIA
drivers). But please don't tell us that we need to use the least common
denominator in order to be "open".

> * not official support of meego on some hardware is community driven?

Again, the default builds that we provide are optimized for Atom - I
don't think there's anything wrong with that. It's fairly straight
forward to build for other platforms if you need that, but I think it is
not a reasonable request that we shouldn't optimize for our platform.

> * "basic" software components on handhelds devices (gui telephony,
> connectivity, audio routing, 3d etc.) will be part of meego and
> opened?

Not exactly sure what you mean here - to the best of my knowledge we'll
have a complete stack, though not all pieces are in place, yet.

> Sorry if some questions seem hurting or stupid, but to the casual

Not at all, they are good questions!

> reader it seems meego is *actually* internally driven, and is going
> only to be a *base* OS strongly adapted to vendors needs to put their
> closed components and providing unified api for developing partner
> companies with the objective to sell more hardware and not an "open
> revolution" as guessed from the meego faq.

I really think that we are providing an open revolution. I don't think
anyone is being held back to build this on other platforms or to add
missing features to drivers that don't have them. Isn't that the idea of
an open source project?

> > * Would a random skilled contributor from the Internet be able to
> > participate and contribute to this activity?


> > * Would a random skilled contributor from the Internet be able to show
> > his merits and eventually join my team?


> > * Would a random skilled contributor from the Internet be able to
> > follow and read details about most of the work being done in this
> > team?

Mostly - we've had long discussions here on this list about the way
parts of this project are being released. Yes, I know this is
frustrating to some of you - but I think we have followed up on all our
promises and by now most everything that is part of MeeGo is available
in our repositories.

> Would a random contributor be able to get answers to simple questions?

I sure hope so. :-)

> Many time you have "please respect peoples working under NDA" or in
> the worst case the silence.

Really? I follow this mailing list quite actively and can't remember
having seen this phrase very often.

notmuch search to:meego.com and NDA 

gives me four hits - two were people talking about NDAs required in
Maemo, the other two were speculation about why something might not be
happening as the author wanted it.  Incorrect speculation, I might add.

> > - and we need all the skilled hands we can get to get this project to
> > be strong and to get things implemented.
> As a random ml reader, I'm very curious to know how much openness may
> be compatible with profit companies and business models.

We are doing this in the open BECAUSE of we want to be successful and
make money. I've spent the last 9 years at Intel getting people to
understand that this is in our best business interest, and I think I
have succeeded so far.

> I apologize if I'm totally confused! and where my words does not have
> sense please point me in the right direction (if that is not under
> NDA) ;)

I think you may be a bit confused - or I may be misunderstanding what
you are asking for. But I can promise that none of my answers are under
NDA :-)


Dirk Hohndel
Intel Open Source Technology Center
MeeGo-dev mailing list

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