We have released spectacle 0.19

Version 0.19
Released: 2010-08-30

New Features:
 - New header lines in generated spec to avoid misleading
 - Rewrote color text output code to drop third-party GPLV3 module
 - Support new builder: 'cmake'
 - More warnings for invalid YAML values:
   - Lower version running spectacle detected
   - User to use 'setup.py install' to install, warning and abort
   - Invalid configure settings for some special builders
   - Warning for "new" spec file
   - Warning for "Epoch" keyword
   - Duplicate "rm -rf %{buildroot}" similar lines
   - Several bugs in subpkg available keys warning fixed
 - Accept alternative types for the following cases:
   - PkgBR, can be specified as BuildRequires
   - URL, can be typed as Url
   - but with warning message
 - Decent quit when empty YAML file encountered
 - "setup.py develop" supported
 - Update of document

 - Fixed bugs in non-ASCII chars handling
 - Fixed bugs in output path options

 - README in the shipped packages can be used as the reference

 - Packages available here: http://repo.meego.com/MeeGo/tools/repos/
 - Source code available here: 

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