Em Sexta-feira 24 Setembro 2010, às 17:45:54, Carsten Munk escreveu:
> 2010/9/24 Greg KH <gre...@suse.de>:
> > And, to answer the private question a few people have asked me, "why are
> > you asking all of these questions, why not just not use the MeeGo name
> > at all?"  Well, it's about recognizing the contributions of those that
> > you build something on.  I know not all people/companies do that all the
> > time (present drivers of MeeGo included), but some of us want to do the
> > "right thing" here.
> The interesting question is also, in good open source spirit:
> How can I, take meego-handset-dialer, put it in my distro, replacing
> the artwork with my own non-MeeGo artwork, while still crediting the
> original work being done by the authors? Should I rename it to
> handset-dialer?

I would *personally* say that you're allowed to credit MeeGo whenever you take 
something from MeeGo. What you can't do is use the name in a way that confuses 
people, such as naming your product "Something MeeGo" or the inverse.

The use of the name "meego" in packages is something I wonder about, even for 
MeeGo's own packages (meego-panel, meegotouch, etc.). If I use meegotouch and 
make an application that won't run on MeeGo, what happens? How can I say I'm 
running meego-panel if the experience is different from what one would expect 
on a MeeGo netbook?

Interestingly, note that the applications themselves can be replaced in MeeGo, 
it's the middleware and API that can't. So you can have a MeeGo netbook that 
doesn't look anything like the official Netbook UX, even if it's using meego-

Thiago Macieira - thiago (AT) macieira.info - thiago (AT) kde.org
  Senior Product Manager - Nokia, Qt Development Frameworks
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