On Sun, Sep 26, 2010 at 8:38 AM, Ville M. Vainio <vivai...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 25, 2010 at 4:56 PM, Sivan Greenberg <si...@omniqueue.com> wrote:
>> Thanks for this reply, seems that betting on MGConfItem is reasonable.
> Just use QSettings if you don't need to listen to subscribe to changes
> in settings (most apps don't). GConf is too heavy and
> platform-specific for most needs.

Given that, I wonder if it was re-chosen for either backward
compatibility with GNOMEish legacy from Maemo, the lack of any other
system that is close in feature set or both?

> If you need to subscribe to changes, consider Qt Mobility "Publish &
> Subscribe" API instead. It can use gconf as back-end on Linux.

I'll also check if it can be set other back ends as well on Linux,
although judging by the MeeGo architecture document GConf remains as
the standard config database.

>> I wonder why we have to "suspect" things btw, isn't the fact it is at
>> apidoc.meego.com makes it an "official" way to work with the settings?
> Being there is not really a sign of something being official, at least yet.

Note and accounted for, Thanks.

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