
On Tue, 2010-10-12 at 16:49 +0200, ext Dave Neary wrote:
> Hi,
> I just noticed in the agenda for the TSG meeting tomorrow (which I won't
> be able to attend) the following agenda item:
> * Nomination: Nokia N900 hardware platform maintainer: Carsten Munk.
>   * Valtteri Halla/Nokia is proposing to nominate Carsten to replace
> Harri Hakulinen in this role. Carsten is a renowned developer and
> founding maintainer of the mer project. Nokia supports Carsten and
> development of MeeGo for N900 in various ways including allocating a
> team of developers led by Harri and providing technical support.
> What does this mean for the N900 as a reference platform for MeeGo
> development?

Please feel free asking at the TSG tomorrow, but in the meantime:

Nothing new?

>  Does it mean that Nokia are basically moving on, and
> leaving Carsten in place as a life-buoy for the N900 version?

No, it means that the guy that is doing a great job gets the
corresponding role explicitly assigned.

>  As a
> casual observer, it could look like Nokia are withdrawing official
> support for development & maintenance of MeeGo on N900 and leaving it to
> be "community" supported.

But "casual observers" were saying that the MeeGo meritocracy requires
key roles being taken by non-Nokia and non-Intel contributors... Carsten
is on top of these releases and he knows every single detail of them.
Just check in bugzilla, mailing lists, IRC... It's a logical step and
I'm willing to see more roles taken by non-Intel/Nokia people as they
become the experts and drivers in their areas.

> Can those involved elaborate on what this would mean for N900 MeeGo
> users, please?

For N900 users? Definitely nothing.

The future of the N900 as official MeeGo hardware platform depends on
the availability of more suitable ARM hardware to test. At the moment
there is nothing in the horizon challenging the N900. This has nothing
to do with Harri or Carsten being in charge of the releases for the


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