On Oct 22, 2010, at 10:17 AM, Dave Neary wrote:

>> Moderation also has some problems because the moderator 
>> is taking the responsibilty for deciding what the user meant to do. The way 
>> we have it set up now, we're putting the decision in the users' hands, which
>> seems fair to me.
> It's impossible to protect people from themselves. Some people will sign
> up to the list, and 6 months later will accidentally send something
> confidential to the list - but they're members so it goes straight
> through. Oops!
I agree that you can't protect users from themselves, but you can put 
the decision solely in their hands. If they subscribe to a list and then 
forget what it is, this becomes their mistake. If a moderator lets it through or
if we let people who aren't subscribed post to the list, it takes the decision
out of the user's hands. I prefer to let each user make their own decision and
then be accountable for it. By requiring subscription and email confirmation, 
you can be certain that at some point each user made a conscious decision 
to join the list.


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