Hi Zhenqiang,
        >       - are there any libraries available helping easily 
        >implement Chinese localization features like 
        >Chinese search, sort using Chinese Pinyin?
        1 Sort
        Current Meego content framework does not support Chinese Pinyin
        But if your order is the same as ICU, it is easy to implement it
        in app. 
        For handset applications based on libmeegotouch:
        MLocale supports two kind of Chinese sortings.
        zh_CN at collation=pinyin sorts Chinese according to the pinyin
        zh_CN at collation=stroke sorts Chinese according to the stroke
        count of the characters.
In Tracker we will be using ICU directly to support Chinese Pinyin
collations. We'll be getting /meegotouch/i18n/lc_collate from gconf and
pass it directly to libicu. This work is already on-going and will be
available in the next 2-3 weeks (currently we're assuming en_US.utf8
locale always in collation).
        2 Search
        (1) Big efforts are required to support search bases on Chinese
        e.g. which text files have word "搜索"?  
        For CJK languages, there is no ' ' to separate words in a
        sentence, some word segmentation libraries are required. 
Tracker's FTS, if enabled in meego (which I'm not really sure if it is),
should already support it. We currently use libicu word-breaking
algorithm to properly separate words during FTS parsing.

        (3) If you want to search Chinese with Pinyin, application
        should translate Chinese to Pinyin and save the maps.

This is currently not supported in Tracker when doing FTS queries. This
is, we do not convert all Chinese text to Pinyin during FTS
automatically. But, if not using FTS and looking for exact matches of
property values, it could probably work just if the proper pinyin
collation is enabled (didn't test that anyway).

If applications are the ones inserting both Chinese and Pinyin strings
in full-text-indexed properties in tracker, FTS searches should just
work properly right now.



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