As far as I have followed the blogs and the kernels for N900, PR 1.3 with
multiboot was to be released only for developers. I think you would still
need to install the Power Kernel that is needed to Multiboot into NittDroid
to boot into Meego.

Can any one please confirm my understanding?

the one and only NIRAV THAKKER

On Tue, Nov 9, 2010 at 3:36 PM, Jose Manrique Lopez de la Fuente <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am following this Meego wiki page for getting dual-boot in my N900:
> I have copied the raw image to the SD as indicated:
> # bzcat meego-handset-armv7l-n900-1.1-mmcblk0p.raw.bz2 | pv | dd
> bs=4096 of=/dev/sdb
> 1,81GB 0:04:10 [7,42MB/s] [
>                                         <=>
>                                                                  ]
> 475136+1 registros de entrada
> 475136+1 registros de salida
> 1946157057 bytes (1,9 GB) copiados, 250,294 s, 7,8 MB/s
> I have inserted the card in the N900, pushed boot button, and them ...
> it boots into Maemo. After reading the screen, it seems that it fails
> loading from SD card. I have tried stoping the autoboot and running
> mmcboot, but ti doesn't work either:
> # run mmcboot
> Booting from mmc...
> Wrong Image Format for bootm command
> ERROR: can't get kernel image
> I have also tried loading the kernel by flasher, but it ends waiting
> for mmc I think...
> Any help? Thank you very much and best regards,
> --
> J. Manrique López de la Fuente
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