On 11/13/2010 11:29 AM, Javier wrote:
I'm trying the Handset 1.1 final-demo images on my N900, and I've found
that in both landscape and portrait modes, the X11 root window is 800x480
(that is, always portrait).

However, Qt applications (for example duicontrolpanel) render just fine
in portrait. This means they (or Qt) must be doing some kind of rotation
implemented on the X clients themselves.

To be honest, this comes a bit of a surprise. Is it really expected that
every X11 client application will have to implement their own means for
rotation, or is the plan for rotation to be eventually implemented the
XRandR way?

eventually it has to be done with XRandR for power/performance reasons;
the X server can do this more performance (and thus power) efficient than the apps can, depending on what exact hardware you have. (Some graphics hardware can use the new X 1.9 stuff for doing rotation centrally)

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