
Summary: a backwards incompatible change in signon-qt has entered MeeGo
Trunk, apps using it need to be updated and recompiled.

Details: I just noticed that one of my executables using signon-qt
stopped working after an update to recent MeeGo Trunk: it starts, but
fails to connect to signal "SignOn::AuthService::identities(const
QList<IdentityInfo> &)".

The reason is that the signon-qt API was cleaned up. It now provides
"SignOn::AuthService::identities(const QList<SignOn::IdentityInfo> &)",
with namespace for IdentityInfo. Same for "Error" and "SessionData".
Apps are no longer forced to use "using namespace SignOn" to compile and
now must use the SignOn:: prefix in slots/signals.

Note that the soname of signon-qt wasn't changed, so my executable
continued to run. I would have preferred to get a "libsignon-qt.so.1 not
found" error. I was expecting this change to happen and knew what to
look for, but others might spend more time debugging this...

I can no longer verify it (old files gone), but it seems that the
database layout in .signon also changed, which removed all of my stored
credentials. Alberto, is that possible?

It's not a big deal at this point, but once signon really holds end-user
data, a better upgrade path would be useful.

Best Regards, Patrick Ohly

The content of this message is my personal opinion only and although
I am an employee of Intel, the statements I make here in no way
represent Intel's position on the issue, nor am I authorized to speak
on behalf of Intel on this matter.

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