On Wed, 15 Dec 2010 16:12:23 +0100
Dave Neary <dne...@maemo.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> Thiago Macieira wrote:
> > The entire hierarchy of /usr/share/applications should be searched.
> > The subdirs are simply an organisation trick.
> > 
> > hildon/example.desktop is tracked as if it were
> > hildon-example.desktop.
> Interesting! How do you explain that moving the .desktop file to
> /usr/share/applications fixed the problem for the original poster?

I am assuming this is on a "Handset" version of MeeGo, in which case,
the "Desktop" app is /usr/bin/duihome.

duihome does not search subdirs of /usr/share/applications last time I
looked (admittedly, it was a while ago).  Things might have changed
upstream, but unless this was fixed and updated in a new package, I
suspect this is what you are seeing.

This is confirmed by the fact that your own testing shows that placing
it in /usr/share/applications fixed the problem ;)

Sounds like a bug to me... file it!

As a matter of fact, src/libmeegotouchhome/launcherdatastore.cpp:223
reveals what may be the crux of the issue:

    updateQueue = QDir(directoryPath, FILE_FILTER).entryInfoList(QDir::Files);

Here you see that only QDir::Files are ever added to the update queue,
add to this that FILE_FILTER is a const defined as "*.desktop", and you
end up with a very strong candidate for the root cause.

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