Dear all,

Could anybody please give a hint on how properly specify display
driver in xorg configuration files on Beagleboard/Meego?
By default 'xinit' tries to load module "fbdev" which is absent.
I have SGX drivers installed and they seems to work (SGX OpenGL
demos works normally).
Should I specify omaplfb in xorg configuration ?

yes, you should specify it inserting your conf file at /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ or /etc/X11/xorg.conf. If you google for it you will find a dozen of ways to
setting up it properly.

I also tried to run 'twm' which failed with "unable to open display """.

maybe setting DISPLAY? Like this:
$ DISPLAY=:0 twm

unfortunately doesn't work. complains with the same message: unable to open display ":0"

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