On Monday, 14 de February de 2011 09:56:55 Zhao, Halley wrote:
> # nm -u /usr/lib/libQtGui.so.4.7.1 | grep fetchAndAddOrdered
>          U _Z34QBasicAtomicInt_fetchAndAddOrderedPVii
> My platform is a core 2 notebook installed with MeeGo image for netbook.
> (maybe the ‘arch’ difference cause the issue, but the package works well 
> in
> OBS).

This is an arch issue. That symbol above is only present in the Generic and
Symbian architectures. On any Linux system, there should be inline assembly
functions, so this symbol should never appear.

Thiago Macieira - thiago (AT) macieira.info - thiago (AT) kde.org
  Senior Product Manager - Nokia, Qt Development Frameworks
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