On 04/09/11 16:52, ext Gabriel M. Beddingfield wrote:

On the latest daily builds for Handset and Tablet there are
no title bars (including app switcher button and app close
button). Will there be any?  Nor do apps get automatically
expanded to fit the screen.  Will they be?

There are two kinds of application windows: fullscreen and non-fullscreen. The fullscreen ones don't have WM buttons at all and are resized to fullscreen by the WM. Currently the non-fullscreen ones get buttons and are resized so that they fill the remaining free space.

Libmeegotouch windows are different: they are both fullscreen and they have buttons (which they draw themselves).

This is what the git version does, I'm not sure about the MeeGo packaged mcompositor (since I don't use that).


I.e. are there plans one way or the other?

These features are important because:

   1. If someone develops an app for the netbook, then they
      won't know that they're supposed to draw their own
      title bar and exit button.

   2. Our company provides a lot of 3rd party, non-meego-api,
      Xlib apps with our devices.  These apps were not
      written for phones, and are expecting the WM to provide
      the buttons to exit the application.  We would rather
      not have to repackage mcompositor to get mdecorator

   3. In the Tablet UX there's currently no way to close apps
      like chrome except to reboot.

   4. These established MeeGo UI guidelines are now broken:
      (specifically the switcher and comments on fullscreen)

Yes, I realize that mdecorator is buggy and even (at some
level) a broken concept.  But I'm not really even talking
about mdecorator... I just need the basic WM functionality.

Thank you,

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