## install fuse-sshfs-2.2-4.30.i586
$ sudo zypper in fuse-sshfs
## f use module must be loaded else fail
$ sudo modprobe fuse
## make a  permanent mount point in "/media"
$ sudo mkdir /media/gnulem-npm
## allow non-superuser 'npm' to mount
$ sudo chown npm.npm /media/gnulem-npm
##mount the sftp filesystem on mount point
$ sshfs gnulem: /media/gnulem-npm
npm@gnulem's password: ...

Now 'df' reports:

gnulem:               453G  408G   23G  95% /media/gnulem-npm

And the remote system is mounted as if locally, without needing to
setup NFS -- just needs SSHD running. Obviously not as fast or
performant given the encrypt/decrypt invoked by SSH, but at least it's
as secure as SSH and can be further secured by using public/private
keypairs in SSH.

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