On Wednesday, 4 de May de 2011 22:54:34 Niels Mayer wrote:
> On Wed, May 4, 2011 at 8:39 PM, Alexander Bokovoy <a...@samba.org> wrote:
> >> (https://bugs.meego.com)
> > 
> > There seem to be some misconfiguration of SSL setup at meego.com. I
> > tried with QtWebkit and it also unable to reach and render it.
> KDE's Konqueror browser also cannot browse bugs.meego.com over SSL. It
> outputs the following error:
> http://nielsmayer.com/meego/bugs-meego-com-bad-certificate.png
> It's as if the WebKit based browsers (such as Konqueror) do not
> recognize Go Daddy as CA. (Note the empty certificate chain and "this
> certificate is not signed by any trusted authority" in image above).

That's not it.

The reason is that the certificate presented *is* self-signed. There's no 
GoDaddy issuer.

And the reason for that is that QSslSocket does not send the Server Name 
Identification SSL extension, whereas Firefox does. You can compare the two 
behaviours with:

        openssl s_client -connect bugs.meego.com:443 -servername bugs.meego.com
        openssl s_client -connect bugs.meego.com:443

QSslSocket in Qt 4.8 does send SNI now.

Thiago Macieira - thiago (AT) macieira.info - thiago (AT) kde.org
  Senior Product Manager - Nokia, Qt Development Frameworks
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