A lot of good progress has been happening on the "qml" branch recently
and it's drawing close to feature equivalence with the current, MTF,
version on master.

Since the bulk of the work is now happening on the QML version of the
UI, and MTF is on the path towards removal from MeeGo for 1.3, I think
it is now time to make the QML version the official one going forward.

To this end, I will be merging qml into master by EOD today (20110519,

What does this mean to you?

1. If you have them, you'll need to rebase (or reclone) all your
   personal clones.

2. The UI is now a runtime (and compile time) selectible option:

   QML UI:
     $ /usr/bin/dialer -ux meego-ux-components

   MTF UI:
     $ /usr/bin/dialer -ux meegotouch

   The default will remain "meegotouch" (MTF) for now, until we draw
   closer to Feature equivalence

3. The UI can also be specified by setting the "/apps/dialer/ux" gconf
key to the same string values as used on the commandline options:

   QML UI:
     $ gconftool-2 -s -t string /app/dialer/ux meego-ux-components
   MTF UI:
     $ gconftool-2 -s -t string /app/dialer/ux meegotouch

4. [Developer Edition folks in particular, TAKE NOTE!] Since the same
   binary/package will now be usable for either MTF or QML based
   images, it will be necessary to add an entry to the images .ks file
   to get dialer to use the QML UI by default.

5. The version number will remain at 0.2.* until such time as we switch
   to QML as the default UI.  At that time we will bump up to 0.3.*

Many thanks to Tom Swindell for his many hours of hard work to get the
QML port momentum finally moving along!  Thanks also to the N900 DE
Team for their efforts to test, report bugs and integrate the QML
version into their images.


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