Hey Bogdan,  consider adding the script call on /etc/rc.local.

As i remember, the default runlevel for  MeeGo is 3, not 5, so adding
it to rc3.d might work also.
On our sollution the package containing the daemon creates a .desktop
on /etc/xdg/autostart with the commands that you wish to run on
openning the UX, but this is just a workaround since we don't want to
change the scripts.

The MeeGo daemons are started by /etc/rc.sysvinit

Notice that this is how the NETBOOK version work, please check if the
tablet is the same.

On Sun, Jun 26, 2011 at 11:44 AM, Bogdan Cristea <crist...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I would like to execute at startup a script allowing to launch synergy client.
> I have put this script in  /etc/init.d and made a soft link to the script in
> /etc/rc5.d, but the client is not running. What is the approach I need to
> follow in order to lauch a script at startup ?
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Leonardo Luiz Padovani da Mata

International Syst S/A
Metasys Tecnologia
Software Engineer Metasys MeeGo Team


"May the force be with you, always"
"Nerd Pride... eu tenho. Voce tem?"
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