On 07/16/2011 02:08 AM, Kok, Auke-jan H wrote:
On Fri, Jul 15, 2011 at 9:12 PM, David Boosalis
<david.boosa...@gmail.com>  wrote:
Hi All

I keep checking back on Meego to see what ,if any, momentum is building.
Today I fired up my meego netbook which  has 1.2 to see how many updates
were available. The answer was zero, the same answer since it came out in
June.  I then checked to see if the Meego SDK would install on to Ubuntu
11.4, Then answer was no.  So then I decided to see what is going on with
this Meego mailing list, I see it is getting about 10 email s a week -
hardly a thriving community.

Is Meego dead ? If not then why so little activity with it.
I would hardly call hundreds of people working on it dead. However,
given the tone of your message, I think I'm just wasting my time
replying though...

Try following the links here to some of the many lists:


perhaps the list of commits of this month interest you:


that's 700 changes in about 2 weeks.... yeah, we're taking it easy alright ;)

commits mailing list is a nice technical way to check what it is happening in MeeGo :)

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