----- Original Message -----
> Hi Nasa,
> I wrote two whitepapers on OBS: "An Introduction to Open Build Service
> (OBS)" and "Building MeeGo with OBS". You can download them, for free
> of course, from the Linux Foundation website:
> http://www.linuxfoundation.org/publications/workgroup .
> If you could explain a little more what you are looking to do I may be
> able to help you out better. With osc you would specify: osc build
> <platform> <architecture> to build your project e.g. osc build Trunk
> i585 to build your project against the MeeGo Trunk for i586.
> Rudi
Thanks Rudi,

I will have to take a read.  I obviously didn't explain what I was after 
very well.  On the 
page there a list of repositories one can add (such as Meego 1.1, 1.2, debian, 
however, there isn't one for some of the development tracks.  For my interest, 
(ie: future 1.2.1) is the repository I would like to build some updated 
packages against.
I have already done it against Meego 1.2 and Current:Core.  

>From your example, how was the repo for trunk added?  It's not listed as a 
>repo that can be

Thanks again,

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