Hi Alison,

On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 6:24 PM, Alison Chaiken <alchai...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I haven't seen any statement from anyone who *knows* what's going on
> to indicate that Tizen will actually incorporate even one line of
> MeeGo code.

>From discussions on IRC over the past few days, we do know that it at
least contains *some* parts of MeeGo's legacy: it uses RPM, OBS, and
apparently has an ARM port based to some degree on the MeeGo ARM

Anyway, fact is, that doesn't really matter. Either it does (and we
can reuse the underlying core for our own work), or it doesn't, and we
can't - and have to look at alternatives. At this stage, we don't know
for sure which way we need to head, so making decisions at this point
is premature, thought experiments however, aren't.

> LiFo owns "MeeGo" and won't let us the name, to be sure,

I'm not so sure about that, and nothing stops us from asking. The
worst that can happen is that we're told "no", and have to come up
with a new name.

> But seriously, if the worst case occurs and Tizen bears nearly no
> resemblance to MeeGo, why shouldn't we consider working on Qt
> development with Ubuntu Core, which is focused on ARM?

>From previous experiments that I've seen with Ubuntu,
performance-wise, I don't think this would be an option. MeeGo Core is
deliciously bare, which is one of the reasons it is a good choice for
mobile (and also one of the reasons that makes me think we'll see
parts of it live on in Tizen). Abandoning that legacy and jumping on
board another distro is certainly an option, but not, I believe, the
best available.

[ of course, you're free to make your own decision ]

> Intel's possible complete departure, MeeGo development on Atom may
> completely stop, while Ubuntu Core is completely focused on ARM.

And that complete focus is a bad thing, it just minimalises your
portability, and minimises the amount of people able to come along and
join the party. The world is a lot bigger than ARM, and we ought to
try be as inclusive as possible, especially considering that the
majority of the vendors that shipped MeeGo products to date were, in
fact, x86-focused.

> Yes, I know that would mean going back to .deb's, and I am completely
> familiar with what a PITA that would be, but if we do nothing as a
> community, MeeGo is about to die.

I don't think I'd say that the past few days have been about
"nothing". There is some tangible progress going on on various ways
forward, let's see what the next weeks bring.

All the best,

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