Discussing resources & funds is not as much fun as discussing brands or 
toolkits, but let me bring your attention to this point since it is probably 
important or plain critical for any plans forward discussed here. 

My assumption is that the current community doesn't have enough muscle to 
afford the whole cost of infrastructure of a project with the size and 
complexity of MeeGo. The options are either reuse free-as-in-beer infra from 
other projects or assure corporate sponsorship from different sources (I would 
trust less this one, but it is also a possibility).

Imad Sousou wrote:
> I will be working even harder to make sure that developers of MeeGo can also 
> transition to Tizen.

1. Can we get any details about the availability of the current meego.com 
infrastructure under Intel's funding? End of this year? July 2012? End of 2012? 
Later? The answer to this question helps figuring out the urgency for a move.

2. What is the scope we can expect  for tizen.org in terms of community 
infrastructure? Will a "fortizen.org" like site be needed as well or the core 
tizen.org (plus AppUp?) will be inclusive enough to satisfy community 
initiative with a link to the Tizen project, even if it's indirect? The answer 
to this question helps figuring out the need to find/fund own infra for all the 
"non-official" development infra.

Thank you.

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