Hi, I am trying to implement a script that would open the music player (music-suite) on N9 and start playing the "recently added" playlist when I connect my bluetooth headphones to the device. The problem I am having is that I have not found a way to pass an url of the aforementioned playlist to com.nokia.maemo.meegotouch.MusicSuiteInterface.playPlaylist method. Has anyone got an idea how the MAFW works with regards to the automatically generated playlists and whether or not it is possible to open the playlist via the DBUS api? I would also be interested to know if there are other ways to get the music player to open the playlist.
Regards, Miko Kiiski _______________________________________________ MeeGo-dev mailing list MeeGo-dev@meego.com http://lists.meego.com/listinfo/meego-dev http://wiki.meego.com/Mailing_list_guidelines