First, my apologies for limited communications last week, I fell ill on
Wednesday and was out sick until Monday morning PST

Second, if you would like to add to this agenda, please send me your
request by 7am PST (14:00UTC IIRC) Tuesday.

Agenda for the Dialer Project meeting - Tuesday, April 12th, 2011

* General information/business (Shane)
  - Two meetings (Dialer and DE VoiceSMS)?
    What are they for, and should they be merged?
  - Wire frames
* Bug, patch and merge-request status (Shane)
  - Too many to list and we're not going to triage
  - We'll review what folks want to review

* New features discussion
  - Headless branch work/status/next steps
  - QML UI status and next steps

* Any Other Business
  - Shane (sabotage) is in QML class the rest of the week so replies to
    BMC's, email and IRC will be delayed
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