As agreed in the MeeGo Dialer Project meeting[1], I have branched the
git tree for MeeGo 1.2.  I also tagged the tree for 1.2, but that is
now redundant.

The MeeGo 1.2 branch is based on the same commit as the latest released
and tagged version (0.2.1), which is also in the MeeGo core OBS branch
for 1.2 as well.

Dialer patches targeted for the MeeGo 1.2 release must now be based off
the MeeGo-1.2 branch.  Changes intended to go only to Trunk (MeeGo 1.3+)
should be based off master, or other branches as appropriate.

For those wondering about the QML port, especially in light of Tom's
announcement earlier today, the QML porting work will occur, initialy,
on it's own branch (to be created still) until we can work out some
fundamental architectural changes.  Once we have these worked out, it
will merge into master.

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