#meego-meeting Meeting

Meeting started by msugano at 10:57:57 UTC. The full logs are available

Meeting summary
* Actions Follow Up  (msugano, 10:58:03)
  * jarnoteivas to have a look on the Status Bar menu performance
    (msugano, 10:58:19)
  * msugano to have a look on 11484 & 12930  (msugano, 11:01:00)
  * ACTION: msugano to have a look on 11484 & 12930  (msugano, 11:03:01)

* On SF2011  (msugano, 11:03:09)
  * Blogs & Reviews  (msugano, 11:03:15)
  * LINK:
    (msugano, 11:03:20)
  * LINK:
    (jukkaeklund, 11:03:39)
  * LINK:
    (msugano, 11:04:20)
  * LINK:
    (msugano, 11:04:28)
  * LINK:
    (msugano, 11:04:36)
  * LINK:
    (msugano, 11:04:42)

* Open sourcing  (msugano, 11:06:44)
  * GPRS APN UI, should be receiving yes/no this week.  (msugano,
  * Term, tried to check the status but the responsible person is on
    holiday until 6th June :(  (msugano, 11:07:08)
  * Camera binary.  (msugano, 11:08:40)
  * ACTION: msugano to confirm the DSP codecs & camera bin can be
    distributed through meego OBS.  (msugano, 11:17:58)

* The Next Step  (msugano, 11:18:06)
  * What do we target for the summer release (by 30 June)?  (msugano,
  * The common feedback that I received in the MeeGo Conf was mostly on
    the performance  (msugano, 11:19:27)
  * The current team setup can be revised, depending on the target? Open
    to suggestions.  (msugano, 11:27:31)

* for AOB (will come back this in the end)  (msugano, 11:33:58)
  * MTF team wanted to do rather big update, but this will break the 1.2
    compliance.  (msugano, 11:34:42)
  * ACTION: stskeeps look at libmeegotouch being in compliance or not
    (Stskeeps, 11:36:07)
  * ACTION: Stskeeps to check if mtf is part of the compliance.
    (msugano, 11:38:48)
  * include the MTF (AF team) members in the loop  (msugano, 11:42:11)

* Product Management  (msugano, 11:43:31)

* Browser by veskuh  (msugano, 11:50:00)
  * jpal working on stability issues of connman and wifiapplet  (veskuh,
  * sacha started, studying OBS  (veskuh, 11:50:59)
  * ensonic had last day at office. documented findings on fennec
    optimization at:
    (veskuh, 11:51:33)

* common sw by harha  (msugano, 11:56:18)

Meeting ended at 11:57:57 UTC.

Action Items
* msugano to have a look on 11484 & 12930
* msugano to confirm the DSP codecs & camera bin can be distributed
  through meego OBS.
* stskeeps look at libmeegotouch being in compliance or not
* Stskeeps to check if mtf is part of the compliance.

Action Items, by person
* msugano
  * msugano to have a look on 11484 & 12930
  * msugano to confirm the DSP codecs & camera bin can be distributed
    through meego OBS.
* Stskeeps
  * Stskeeps to check if mtf is part of the compliance.
  * stskeeps look at libmeegotouch being in compliance or not

People Present (lines said)
* msugano (114)
* alterego (82)
* jukkaeklund (79)
* Stskeeps (46)
* veskuh (29)
* harha (21)
* iekku (7)
* vnayani (6)
* lamikr (6)
* MeeGoMeetBot (5)
* Ronksu (3)
* maitrey (2)
* jarnoteivas (2)
* lbt (1)
* rcherian (1)
* leinir (1)

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